Island Falls notes (week of March 28, 2018)

6 years ago

Still very quiet in our small town. Everyone seems to be patiently awaiting for the next nor’easter to hit us with another 18 inches of snow.

I did get a nice phone call on St. Patrick’s Day from Claudette and Dickie Delong, former residents now living in Brooksville, Fla. They enjoy reading the Pioneer to see what is happening in The County.

I heard just last week that Gwen O’Roak had suffered a broken hip and is now recovering at the Veterans Home in Bangor where her husband, Walt, has been a patient for some time. I’m sure she would love to hear from her friends here in Island Falls, where they had lived before moving to be nearer their children.

I still have lots and lots of small birds, especially the finches, and lately have even had a blue jay or two. Last year I had many crows around, but not this year, until about a week ago when several have appeared. They have a special branch that they light on and part of the branch looks quite fragile. I watched one land on the fragile part — he teetered there for a few minutes but flew off, instead of falling off.

I saw a deer or two one day last week, but the snow is pretty deep and there are no new tracks in my backyard. The deer I saw was up close to the woods and was busy grazing on the small shrubs around the trees. It didn’t attempt to make any trails through the deep snow.