Limestone plans special election April 24

6 years ago

LIMESTONE, Maine — The Town of Limestone will hold a special election Tuesday, April 24, to replace one selectman who recently resigned due to family medical issues. Polls will be open from noon to 8 p.m. 

Residents voted on March 20 to fill this position; however, after some residents complained they didn’t have time to vote during the 12-6 p.m. timeframe, town officials discovered they had not properly posted a warrant for the election. The town did post notices in the Aroostook Republican and on their Facebook page, but did not draft an official warrant.

Because of this, the Select Board scheduled a new date for the special election. Stacey Mahan, Limestone police chief and interim town manager, also indicated March 30 that the April 24 election would last for eight hours, as opposed to six, to allow more residents to vote.

Like the previous election, residents can choose between Paul C. Durepo and Patrick St. Peter, or write in a candidate of their choosing. St. Peter won the March 24 election by 37 votes, or 90 to 53.

The warrant is available via the town’s municipal Facebook page, indicating that the election is to fill one seat for the remainder of the former selectman’s term, which ends in 2019.