Purple Hat Ladies (week of May 16, 2018)

Charlotte Marley, Special to The County
6 years ago

The Purple Hat Ladies of Southern Aroostook met at A Place To Eat in Oakfield on Tuesday, May 8.

Many pretty hats were on display. Wannetta Townsend asked the blessing on the food. Cindi Gray revealed that there were no birthdays to celebrate this month.

Members learned that Bangor Savings Bank is collecting peanut butter and jelly to be distributed to children for the summer months. Brenda Lacostic and Ramona White won the monthly drawing.

Cindi Gray had a humorous reading, then the group made plans for several upcoming meetings.

Attending were: Sandra Holmes, Wannetta Townsend, Marie Gillotti, Cindy Gray, Delores Locke, Verna Boone, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Arlene Friel,  Brenda Lacostic, Sandy Wyman, Jackie Colella, Charlotte Marley, Ramona White and Betty Wyman.