Catholic Women (week of May 16, 2018)

Alta Reardon, Special to The County
6 years ago

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met on Monday, May 7, in the Parish Center for their monthly meeting. There were 11 members present and guest, Cindy Randall.

President Sue Hardy led the group in opening prayers, salute to the cross and flag and our opening hymn. Charlene Tab led the blessing and all enjoyed refreshments provided by the May committee.

The Houlton Council of Catholic Women sponsored a baby shower for the Houlton Pregnancy Care Center May 10. Director Cindy Randall, pictured, spoke to the council about the many services available at the center.
(Courtesy of Alta Reardon)

Secretary Kathy Klein read the secretary’s report for April. Jane Mitchell, treasurer, gave the treasurer’s report. Recording secretary Alta Reardon read an anonymous piece of correspondence. Historian Jane Stile reported on the 40th anniversary of HCCW and the various projects the group did at that time.

Guest Cindy Randall, director of the Houlton Pregnancy Care Center, discussed the many valuable services the center offers. Many baby items were on display that had been collected during the April baby shower that HCCW sponsored. Parishioners and members donated clothes, diapers, wipes, blankets, lotions and toys to the center.

Our June banquet will be held June 4 in the Parish Center and will be catered by the Knights of Columbus. All members are invited.

The group discussed the fall rummage sale, but any decisions were tabled until the next meeting.

The door prize was won by Jane Mitchell. May birthdays and anniversaries were noted. Prayer requests were collected, followed by a decade of the Rosary.

Our next meeting will be June 4 in the Parish Center.