‘Rock the Chalk’ to create street gallery

7 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Partners in the Arts invite the community to help turn the pavement into an art gallery on Thursday, July 26, in conjunction with the city’s Rocking on Riverside.

“Rock the Chalk,” a fundraiser to help the group host arts events for young people, will take place from 5 to 8 p.m. at Riverside Park in Presque Isle. Groups and individuals may buy an 8-by-8-foot square for $25, which includes 24 pieces of multi-colored chalk. They may also bring their own chalk.

What artists do with their space is up to them; they may advertise their businesses or just be creative. Partners in the Arts challenges businesses to compete against each other with their creativity.

Only chalk can be used, but hair spray may be used over the drawing.

The rain date is Aug. 9. Those interested may request a registration form and set of rules and guidelines at aroostookpartnersinthearts@gmail.com.

Aroostook Partners in the Arts is a non-profit dedicated to enhancing arts education for students in Aroostook County. Believing that the arts are centrally important to the education of all students, the Aroostook Partners in the Arts provides grants to local schools to foster, support, and sponsor performing arts, visual arts and humanity experiences for school children and young people in the community.