HOULTON, Maine — A pair of local entrepreneurs recently capitalized on what they felt was a lack of takeout opportunities in the area and filled the void by opening their own mobile eatery.
David Tucker and Eric Nelson received a victualer license to open TNT Takeout during a council meeting on June 11. The food truck is located on Water Street behind Sadie’s Bakery.

Sausage and french fries are just some of the menu items offered at TNT Takeout, a new business that opened in June in Market Square in Houlton.
(Courtesy of TNT Food takeout)
Tucker said recently that he and Nelson got a good deal on a concession trailer that Nelson found in Connecticut.
The eatery is selling everything from appetizers such as nachos and mozzarella sticks to a variety of hot dogs, burgers, specialty tacos, subs, wraps, salads, fries, milkshakes and desserts.
Tucker said that the first weekend the business was open, they received and completed almost one thousand orders. When the business opened for the Midnight Madness fete on June 28, they offered strawberry shortcake to patrons and the dessert was so popular that they decided to add it to the menu as a regular item.
He said that Diane Winship has been hired to handle the business.
“We don’t have any thoughts yet on whether this is just going to be a seasonal business or if we want to run it year round,” said Tucker. “We want to get time under our belts and see the response we get from the community. If it is good enough, we have a place picked out to purchase and could locate the business there and tremendously expand our menu.”
Karen Flemings of Houlton said she and her family have already sampled two different burgers.
“I love the bacon cheeseburgers and my husband loves the haddock burgers,” she said on Wednesday. “Everything was just grilled to perfection and tasted so fresh. It is just an excellent idea for a business, especially in Market Square.”

Quinsey McGary, left, of Monticello and her mother, Heidi Dobbins, also of Monticello, sample food from TNT Takeout in Market Square on Wednesday, July 11. TNT Takeout opened in June and is located in Market Square.
(Jen Lynds)
Tucker said the business was opened in part based on his own craving for the menu items they feature.
“Everyone loves the food we are serving, but in the winter this type of food goes away because there are very few takeout places around where you can get food like this,” he said. “Most of the places that serve such food, such as the local dairy bars, close up in September. I know that I start craving that kind of food around January, so it would be nice to have a place to go and sit down and experience it year round.”
Mark Henderson, another Houlton resident, said on Wednesday that he had eaten several of the steak bombs that are on the menu.
“They were just perfect,” he said. “It tasted like something you would make for yourself at home, and when it is too hot to cook, the food tastes even better.”
For more information, visit TNT Takeout’s Facebook page or call 538-2280.