100 Years Ago – Aug. 14, 1918
Cornerstone to be laid — The laying of the cornerstone of the new Masonic building in Market Square will take place this Wednesday with Masonic ceremonies. The Grand Lodge will be opened as Masonic Hall, where a procession will be formed and headed by the Houlton Band, will march to the new building where the ceremonies will be carried out with full ritualistic ceremony with the following officers: Grand Master, Edward W. Wheeler; Dep. Grand Master, Bernard Archibald; Senior Grand Warden, Frank A. Peabody; Junior Grand Warden, Jas. Archibald; Grand Treasurer, Geo. A. Gorham; Grand Secretary, Chas. B. Davis; Grand Marshal, W. R. Pipes; Grand Chaplain, Isaac Bagnall; Senior Grand Deacon, W. S. Davidson; Junior Grand Deacon, Chas. P. Barnes; Senior Grand Steward, Chas. H. Fogg; Junior Grand Steward, A. W. Spaulding; Grand Tyler, N. Tompkins.
Accepted position — Miss Geneva Donovan has accepted a position in O. M. Smith’s bookstore.
75 Years Ago – Aug. 19, 1943
Around for second season — Donald Smith, an engineer for the Frosted Foods Company of the Boston Division, is in Houlton for his second season in the company’s interests at the Snider Packing Plant. Mr. Smith is accompanied by his wife and young son.
New position — Miss Roselle Somerville, who resigned a month ago from the Houlton office of the State Old Age Assistance where she had been employed with the department for hour years as stenographer in charge, has accepted a secretarial position in the law office of Aaron A. Putnam.
50 Years Ago – Aug. 14, 1968
Wins door prize — Mrs. Alice Wallace, Hodgdon, received $125 from Vinal Thomas of the Chain Apparel Store following he drawing of her name as the winner during the regular Saturday night ‘Bank Nite,’ sponsored by the local store. Mrs. Wallace won the prize among a crowd of nearly 300 other customers of the store.
New manager — Robert Hotchkiss, a native of New Hampshire, has been appointed manager of Sears and Roebuck Co. in Houlton, according to A. L. Russell, manager of Sears and Roebuck operations in Aroostook County.
25 Years Ago – Aug. 18, 1993
Record setting drivers — Bus drivers who have driven for SAD 29 with years of accident-free records were recognized last week at Houlton High School; Brian Beals, two years, Cheryl Wheeler, four years, Eva Morse, 10 years, Paul Prosser, two years, George Levensailor, 10 years, Theodore Peterson, two years and Halston Britton, two years.
New computers — Students attending the University of Maine Presque Isle’s Houlton Center this fall will have easier access to computers. The center is home to seven new computers funded under a Title Three grant received by the University four years ago. The five IBM compatibles and two Macintosh LS2s, purchased under the five year grant, will be available for student use beginning with the fall semester.