Extension educator lands national honor

6 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Lakesh Sharma, University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator in Aroostook County, recently received the 2018 achievement award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.

The association presents the award to one extension associate from each state and to those with less than 10 years of service.

Sharma is “a leader of the precision agriculture community,” according to NACAA officials.

“Sharma‘s program includes improving potato yield and quality, soil health, crop rotations and agriculture technology buildup among Maine potato growers,” the association said in a press release. “His work has targeted not only growers from Aroostook County but throughout the state.”

Sharma works with the UMaine Cooperative Extension in Aroostook County and teaches in the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s sustainable agriculture program.

Sharma grew up in the Punjab region of India, where farmers cultivate everything from wheat to citrus fruits. He earned his PhD at in soil science at North Dakota State University and came to Aroostook County in 2015.

He now leads a range of research and education projects focused on crop and soil issues for potato growers.