Purple Hat group gathers – week of August 29, 2018

Charlotte Marley, Special to The County
6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Purple Hat ladies of Southern Aroostook met at the Tourist Information Bureau in Houlton for a picnic August meeting. It was a very busy day at the picnic area with many different folks having get togethers and parties with lots of food and fun.

Wannetta Townsend asked the blessing on the food. Several members were absent because of health problems. Marsha Reed was the winner of the monthly drawing. Cards were sent to several members.

Attending were Sandra Holmes, Wannetta Townsend, Cindy Gray, Mildred Gagnon, Bernice Campbell, Brenda Lacostic, Sandy Wyman, Ramona White, Betty Wyman, Jackie Colella, Marsha Reed, Charlotte Marley and guest Cathy Plourde.

The rain held off til the lunch was done so we only had a short business meeting. Our next meeting will be at the Smyrna Merrill Historical Society in Smyrna. The date for that meeting was not announced.