Oakfield Seniors – week of September 26, 2018

Charlotte Marley, Correspondent, Special to The County
6 years ago

The Oakfield Senior Citizens held their last meeting of September at the Smoki-Haulers Snowmobile Club on Wednesday, Sept. 19.

Lots of delicious casserole dishes filled the table along with many desserts.

Following the potluck luncheon President Alberta McDonald called the business meeting to order.  Jim Blois led the Flag Salute and The Lord’s Prayer.

All reports were read and accepted. Information about upcoming meetings was discussed.  Special tickets were distributed to members as they arrived for two donated gifts. Winners were:  for large towel, Helen Blois, and for placemats, Charlotte Marley.

Events for the remainder of the year in the area were listed: Harvest Supper in Smyrna, dinner theatre in Smyrna featuring fiddleheads, Winter Wonderland with Santa Claus, and Christmas dinner in Oakfield — you can come or we will deliver to your home.  No charge for meal or delivery. Check these events out.

Also, don’t forget the Oakfield Seniors meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at Smoki Haulers, with luncheon at 11:30 and meeting to follow. Come and join us for fun and food.

The 50/50 raffle was won by Wannetta Townsend.

Attending were: Arlene Friel, Rita Pratt, Alberta McDonald, Bernice Campbell, Jeanne Clements, Ellie Peck, Kathleen Boutilier, Wannetta Townsend, George Barrow, Verna Boone, Jim and Helen Blois, Earl and Lottie Doughty and Don and Charlotte Marley.