TOPS (week of October 10, 2018)

6 years ago

TOPS Chapter of Houlton met Friday, Sept. 21. There were eight TOPS and four KOPS members present.

The loser of the week was Denise Clark and Diane Folsom was the runner-up. Great job, ladies. Jean Merritt won the 50/50. Diane Folsom won the skinny dish and Barbara Grant won the health basket. What wonderful surprises we’re finding as we’re learning how many yummy things are out there; summer fruits, fresh veggies and all a little less expensive.

Denise Clark gave the program, “Truth about Bread.” Did you know that bread keeps better on the counter than in the fridge? Whole wheat bread can help you lose weight, and you won’t eat so much of this type as you would the “refined stuff.”

Here is a question: Which of these are boiled before they are baked? Pita, croissant or bagel? Answer next week. Thank you, Denise, for the great program.

The chapter next met on Friday, Sept. 28. There were nine TOPS and three KOPS members present. The loser of the week was Marsha Reed and the runner-up was Millie Gagnon. Marsha Reed won the skinny dish and Millie Gagnon won the 50/50. The health basket was won by Brenda Lacostic.

We’re into week 2 of our contest. Participation is great and is hopefully getting us involved with changing our lifestyles.

Barbara Troy led an exercise program.

Charlotte Marley gave the program, “Steps to Weight Loss.” None of us at TOPS are on a diet. The secret is to eat less and eat sensibly. Patience is needed because these extra pounds didn’t come all at once so they are not going off all at once. Take your time savor each bite and just put your fork down between bites. Use a smaller plate or put smaller portions on your plate, and leave a little. Discover your triggers that make you head for your favorite food, and then distract yourself with something else: knitting,reading, social networking or call a friend. Charlotte gave other tips, also.

Come join our group to start a lifestyle that you can live with. Feel better about yourself and get the support and encouragement you might be missing at home.

For more information or directions to our meetings call Pam Richardson at 538-8760.