Ala captures international free throw title

5 years ago

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine — Camryn Ala, a freshman at Fort Fairfield High School, holds the distinction of being an international free throw champion. 

Ala was presented the Knights of Columbus International Free Throw Champion Award during a recent varsity basketball team breakfast fundraiser held at the local K of C Hall. The Knights have councils chartered in Canada, Mexico and other countries around the world.

Last spring, Ala competed in a free throw competition with K of C Council 1753, District 2. She advanced through the local competition and then, at the state championships held in Old Town, made 23 of 25 attempts.

That result was forwarded to the national level, where she was judged the top scorer in the girls’ 13-year-old division.

She is the daughter of John and Emily Ala of Fort Fairfield.