Daughters of Isabella, Holy Rosary Circle 638, January 2019

Bea Pirie, Special to The County
6 years ago

SNOW, SNOW AND MORE SNOW WITH COLD, FREEZING TEMPERATURES:  YES, THIS IS JANUARY IN NORTHERN MAINE. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA; it’s warm at their meeting.  Due to low attendance, the 50/50 was not done. January birthday gift recipients were Claire Randolph and Mary Ellen Field but due to weather and their attendance, both received a small gift.  Happy Birthday was sung.

Regent Elaine Haines called to order and Chancellor Elizabeth Long led Circle in Opening Prayer, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Chancellor Long shared the January reflection focused on the Fifth Joyful Mystery, Losing Jesus in the Temple. Roll call was taken. Recording Secretary Jeanine Morneault presented both November 2018 and December 2018 minutes.  Elizabeth Long made a motion to accept the November minutes as read with a second by Nancy Saucier. Elizabeth made a motion to accept the December minutes as read with a second by Madeline Guerrette.

Communications for this month included a card and message received from Bea Pirie, card and message received from Theresa Wunderlich.

Regent Elaine encourage recruitment of new members; our membership is at 78.

Gail reported 5 layettes given in December, 4 to Cary Medical and 1 to the community.

  Vice Regent Dolores Martin sent cards to Beverly McNeal and Sandy Gagnon; Christmas cards to our shut-ins and 16 thank you cards to Discount Card vendors.  She will send cards to Sonia Labbe and Priscilla Foley. Elaine reported she had visited Omerine Cyr, Sandy Gagnon, Norma Shaw and Claire Randolph.

40-Week Club:  No winners from our Circle.

Reminder to continue praying our Rosary for the 31 Club.

Queen Isabella 2019:  Outgoing Queen Isabella crowned our new Queen Isabella Sharon Perreault.  Runners-up are Gail Hjort and Mary Ellen Field who tied for this position.

State Regent Martha Dufour sent e-mail reminding our Circle that we are hosting this year’s Queen Isabella Day.  A committee will be set up to plan this event, which may be on April 28th.

Fuel Donation:  Regent Elaine presented Pastor David Raymond a $1,000 check as a donation towards Holy Rosary’s fuel costs.  Fr. Dave thanked the Circle for this donation and for all we do, especially visiting our sick and homebound, which is a Corporal Work of Mercy.

Dolores Martin asked us to pray for Fr. Kevin Martin who was undergoing procedures on January 9th.

Chaplain Fr. Agustin offered our Closing Prayer.

Our State Convention in May (17th-19th)…our theme basket is Mother’s Day.

Closing Prayer led by Chancellor Long and the praying of the Memorae.