TOPS (week of February 27, 2019)

5 years ago

After another cancelled meeting, we held our TOPS meeting Feb. 15. There were eight TOPS and four KOPS members present.

The loser of the week was Diane Folsom and the runner-up was Barbara Whited. Good job, ladies. Betty Wyman won the skinny dish and also the 50/50. The health basket was won by Mildred Gagnon.

Janette Nelson gave the monthly accounts report. Thank you, Janette. Barbara Whited gave out charms for achievements: Barbara Troy for Thanksgiving loss, Marsha Reed, Janette Nelson, Jean Merritt, Diane Folsom and Pam Richardson for perfect attendance. KOPS members Charlotte Marley, Jean Merritt, Barbara Grant and Betty Wyman received charms for staying in KOPS.

We talked about our strengths and weaknesses, while trying to stay on our “road” to better lifestyle changes. We agreed that Maine winters make walking and regular exercise difficult, and also the long evenings. But spring is less than a month away. Warm weather is coming and getting outdoors will be easier.

With the coming of summer, maybe the time has come for you to think of that bathing suit, the one put away last fall or maybe a new suit you’ve seen that you really want. So maybe the time has come for some healthy life changes. Come join us for support, encouragement and, if you’re like me, hope for a different attitude on weight loss.

Call me, Pam Richardson, at 538-8760  for more information or directions to our meeting place. We always welcome new members, so come see what TOPS is all about.