Sonshine Corner Nursery School grads honored

6 years ago

On Thursday, May 23, Houlton Wesleyan Church’s Sonshine Corner Nursery School held its closing program for the 2018-2019 year. This special event consisted of demonstrations of some of the skills and songs that the children learned throughout the year, presentation of diplomas and gifts, and a slide show. A celebration luncheon was held at the church for everyone following the program. Graduates this year included, front from left, Roman Jackett, Jeremiah Olabiyi, Avery Bither, Kellan Putnam, Baylee Crane and  Nora Cowperthwaite; middle, Leo Tweedie, Grace Han, Lyla Britton, Harper Day, Piersen Peabody and Cash Gallop; and top, Gage McAfee, Grayson Folkins, Abram Weeks and Aiden Cyr.