TOPS – Week of July 1, 2019

6 years ago

TOPS Chapter of Houlton met Friday June 21. we had eight TOPS and four KOPS present. 

The loser of the week was Janette Nelson and the runner-up was Barbara Whited. Good job, ladies. Diane Folsom won the skinny dish and Brenda Lacostic won the 50/50. Pam Richardson won the health basket.

Barbara Whited gave charms to Betty Wyman, Mildred Gagnon, Diane Folsom, Charlotte Marley, Marsha Reed and Pam Richardson for perfect attendance. Marsha Reed got charms for weight loss for April and May. Congratulations to all who got charms.

We ended the contest that Charlotte Marley presented. The winner was Janette Nelson. A new contest is set to start July 12. This would be a great time for anyone wanting to begin a new life style to join. Come see what we’re all about. Call me, Pam Richardson, at 538-8760 for more information.

Starting June 28, we will be back at the Aldergate Building for our regular weekly meetings.