Oakfield seniors gather for Aug. 21 meeting

Charlotte Marley, Correspondent, Special to The County
5 years ago

Last Wednesday the Oakfield Seniors to meet at the Smoki-Haulers Snow Club for their last meeting in August.

The weeks are flying by and soon our warm summer days will change to the beautiful colors of autumn.

After a potluck with many different foods, the business meeting was called to order by President Alberta McDonald with The Lord’s Prayer followed by the Flag Salute.  

  All reports were read and accepted. Jann Votaw was the winner of the 50/50 raffle.

Then it was time for our entertainment. We were introduced to a new game called The Critter Races.  Some of the names of the “critters” were Happy Hoppy, Pokey Joe and Crusty Crab. There were several members who won a race and had their choice of many prizes.   

Attending were: Marie Gillotti, Alberta McDonald, Jann Votaw, Don and Charlotte Marley, Bernice Campbell, Mildred Gagnon, Wannetta Townsend, George Barrow, Jeanne Clements and Arlene Friel.

All seniors are invited to join us on the first and third Wednesday each month at the Smoki-Haulers Snow Club for a potluck luncheon followed by a business meeting and entertainment.  

For more info call Alberta, 757-8052.