Catholic women hold meeting – Week of December 16, 2019

Alta Reardon, Correspondent, Special to The County
4 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — The Houlton Council of Catholic Women met Monday, Dec. 9, for its  monthly meeting. There were nine members, Deacon Al and one guest, Jo Curry, a former member, who were present.

President Janet Barker called the meeting to order with our traditional prayers, salute to the cross and flag and our hymn.  Deacon Al offered a blessing and a potluck meal was enjoyed by all. Deacon Al provided his traditional Wassail.

After the meal, Barker called the business meeting to order. Recording secretary, Kathy Klein read the minutes from the November meeting. Treasurer Jane Mitchell gave the treasurer’s report and corresponding secretary, Alta Reardon read a thank you from Faith Formation for the donation of a child’s Bible.

President Barker thanked Ethel Mersereau and Reardon for delivering the donations to the Houlton Humane Society and the Ark Animal Sanctuary.  She also thanked all who sold tickets for our wreath raffle. The raffle was a success and the proceeds will be donated to the Seminarian fund. Pam Cowperthwaite was the lucky winner of the wreath.

Barker presented each member with a new HCCW booklet for 2019-2020. The committee consisting of Janet Barker, Mary Grant and Alta Reardon updated the information for the booklet.

We will have a box social for our January meeting. Each member is asked to bring a lunch in a decorated box to swap. December birthdays were noted.  Prayer requests were gathered and we said three Hail Marys and the Memorare. Meeting was adjourned and we had our annual Christmas party and Yankee Swap.  A fun time was had by everyone.

Our next meeting will be held on Jan. 6, 2020 at 5:30 pm in the Parish Center.  All Catholic ladies are invited to attend.