HOULTON, Maine — Monument Lodge No. 96 of Houlton held an installation of officers Saturday, Jan. 11.
Worshipful Master elect, Jody Anderson, was installed by Terry Cochran, district deputy grand master, who was assisted by Joel Wardwell, James May and Robert Hancock, who installed the remaining officers.
Special musical numbers were sung by Debbie Beers. Charges to the Master, Senior Warden Kai Libby and Junior Warden Bryan Shaw, were given by Jack Galda, past master of Monument Lodge. Odes to these officers were sung by Robert A. Hancock of the Limestone Lodge.
Gifts of appreciation were presented to Lee Oliver, immediate past master, on behalf of his officers and the lodge.
Officers installed were: worshipful master, Jody D. Anderson; senior warden, Kai R. Libby; junior warden, Bryan W. Shaw; treasurer, David B. Flemington; secretary, Lee D. Oliver; senior deacon, Mark D. Cassidy; junior deacon, Patrick L. Bruce; senior steward, William J. Greaves; junior steward, Leonard J. Keyes, Jr.; marshal, Danny L. Milton; chaplain, Clarence R. Jones; historian, Richard L. Rhoda; and tyler, Elwood V. Wilde.
Anderson also reached out to celebrate the birthday of Bro. Bill Bilal in New Jersey even before he completed his installation ceremony.