115 Years Ago – Feb. 8, 1905
Telephone lines — W.H. Thomas has had his potato house at Ogren Siding connected with telephone lines.
100 Years Ago – Feb. 11, 1920
Store — McNeely’s Clothing Store was closed last week when the entire stock was sold to out of town parties.
75 Years Ago – Feb. 8, 1945
Judge — Irvine E. Peterson was reappointed Municipal Judge of caribou Wednesday, Jan. 31, by Governor Horace A. Hildreth.
50 Years Ago – Feb. 11, 1970
What to do with $2,000 — At the final meeting of the Limestone Centennial Committee, it was announced that a sum of approximately $2,000 had been realized after expenditures had been met. It was decided to conduct a poll among citizens for suggestions on how to utilize this money.
25 Years Ago -Feb. 8, 1995
Caribou Winter Carnival – – Plans are well underway for the 60th anniversary of the Caribou Winter Carnival from Thursday, Feb. 16, to Sunday, Feb. 26. Some new events have been added this year — a radar run and bonfire — along with the first annual County Pet Challenge. Just bring your dog and see if it can make it through the obstacle course. The Winter Carnival offers events for all ages.