100 Years Ago – April 15, 1920
Cigar store — It is expected that Joseph McGrath will open a cigar store in the Cary block in the rent formerly occupied as a restaurant.
75 Years Ago – April 12, 1945
First Victory Garden started this week — The first Victory Garden of the year has already been started by Frank Ericson of Spring Street, who planted peas this Monday, April 9. Mr. Ericson says he has his garden started 19 days earlier than last year, and has found the ground better now than last May. This is the earliest Mr. Ericson has planted for several years. He recalls planting as early as March 28, back in 1936. He also planted some potatoes on April 10 of this year.
25 Years Ago – April 15, 1970
Official coin — Gov. Kenneth M. Curtis joins with Maine State Savings Bank Association and government officials in inaugurating the official Maine Sesquicentennial Coin, celebrating Maine’s first 150 years of statehood. Avon Pulsifer, President of the association, explains the theme, “Togetherness – 150 Years with Me,” was a tie-in with the State’s official advertising program “Promote Me.” Dana W. Childs is Chairman of the Maine Sesquicentennial Commission. Joining him in the announcement was William Bedard, director of the Promotion Division of the Dept. of Economic Development formerly with the Aroostook Republican of Caribou as advertising director.
Drive going well — Vincent DiNardo, United Fund President, announces that there has been a favorable response to the Limestone Fund Mail Campaign launched on April 7. DiNardo urges all Limestone Citizens to participate by sending in their contributions to help achieve the goal.