100 Years Ago – Apr. 14, 1920
Sold business — James Fitzgerald has sold his restaurant business on the corner of Military and Kendall streets to Robert McNallay, who will conduct it in the future.
Purchases building — Merle C. Rideout has purchased from the owner, John Popham, the building which he now occupies as a wholesale candy store on Bangor Street.
75 Years Ago – Apr. 12, 1945
Unemployment ceiling met — Employment ceilings for all essential and less essential establishments in Aroostook County were established Monday under the terms of a directive issued by Paul E. Jones of Augusta. War Manpower director of Maine, according to an announcement today by Roy L. Sinclair, manager of the United States Employment office in Market Square, Houlton. Such ceilings, Sinclair said, have become necessary due to a critical shortage of workers for essential establishments, and will enable the employment service to channel workers to essential establishments whose products are most urgently needed in the war effort. Both men and women are affected by the new ceilings.
Appointed — Mrs. Bernadette Ayotte has been appointed as Service Officer to work in conjunction with the V. F. W. Post Service Officer of Houlton.
50 Years Ago – Apr. 15, 1970
Dollars for Scholars — High school students collected almost $1,100 in their first annual canvass for Dollars for Scholars, and boosted the sum now available under the program to nearly $7,000. William McDonnell, who with Betty Lincoln directed the student canvass of the towns of Houlton, Littleton, Monticello and linneus,said that he was most pleased ieht the results of the drive.
More Dollars for Scholars — Foster Gordon, president of the Houlton Lions Club, presented a check for $100 for the Dollars for Scholars program. Hei made the presentation to Donald Duplessis, guidance director at Houlton High, and treasurer for Dollars for Scholars.
25 Years Ago – Apr. 12, 1995
Donation — About $1,000 from a recent tag sale was donated to the Aroostook Area Agency on Aging, helping the agency continue its Meals on Wheels program. To present the donation was; James Carmichael, president of the Jobs for Maine Graduates at Houlton High; Arlene Friel of RSVP; Carole Dion of RSVP; Phil Cloney of the Maine Air National Guard; Debi McCann of Connections Healthy Communities; Stephen Farnham, executive director of AAAA; and Betty Anderson from Connections-Healthy Communities.
Service honored — Key Bank Branch Manager Shirley Reardon, and District Vice President Peter Cannan, honor employee Joan Logan for her 25 years with the company. Logan was presented with a pin for her service. (DeBeck photo)