Paws for the Cause postponed

Gloria Towle, Special to The County
4 years ago

Well, normally this time of year we would be gearing up for our annual “Paws for the Cause” walk.  Families and their furry companions would be showing up with generous pledges in hand, ready to enjoy an easy two-mile walk and then some welcomed refreshments afterward.  

This 20+ year fundraiser has become a popular event that has raised much-needed funds to benefit the Central Aroostook Humane Society. With all the COVID-19 craziness going on, we are making the tough decision to postpone the walk. We are hoping that the fall will bring safer conditions to gather and enjoy some wonderful canine camaraderie. We will keep you posted for the future date.

What is the importance of caring for a pet?

Owning a pet can be a rewarding experience for a child. A well-chosen pet can bring years of joy.  Pets can provide companionship, entertainment and educational opportunities. 

Pet ownership can also be a chance for kids to learn valuable life lessons as they care for a living creature. Pets can teach children about responsibility and dependability with adult guidance. As an added bonus, some pets give affection in return for a child’s loving attention.

Remember, though, pet ownership is also serious business:  There are many things to consider when you start thinking about a pet.  Remember you will be making a commitment for the life of the pet.  That could be 11 to 15 years for dogs and possibly up to 20 years for cats. It’s also important to remember there will also be the cost of food, litter, vet bills and other unforeseen expenses. But with a pet, you will also be getting a loyal and faithful friend for life.

Puppies. A cuddly puppy is probably the most classic children’s pet. Keep in mind that choosing the ideal dog involves more than falling for big brown eyes. Some dogs may be unsuitable for children. Before adopting a dog, ensure that the dog is well socialized and comfortable around children. Any breed will need a significant commitment of time and effort. Puppies must be housebroken and they require daily exercise, regular veterinary checkups and immunizations, and plenty of love. Every dog is different, so be sure to do your homework before making the commitment to adopt.

Kittens. Kittens are childhood favorites. Who can resist the antics of a fluffy feline?   Notoriously independent cats need somewhat less care and attention than dogs, but no less commitment. Like dogs, cats require regular veterinary checkups and immunizations.  It’s important to choose a cat that’s suitable to be around children. A cat may be a better choice than a dog if your family has limited living space.

Our shelter staff can advise you on the temperaments of adoptable cats and dogs.  If you think you are ready for a furry friend for your family, check out the Central Aroostook Humane Society Facebook page to see our pets that are available for adoption. 

Contact us to set up an appointment.  Due to COVID-19, our shelter doors are still closed, but stay tuned for when we will welcome our customers back. 

Please be responsible pet owners — spay and neuter.

Gloria Towle is the secretary and a member of the board of directors of the Central Aroostook Humane Society.