115 Years Ago – Nov. 29, 1905
Bound for Europe — Carl Soderberg of New Sweden expects to sail for Europe the first week of December and be absent for six weeks.
100 Years Ago – Dec. 2, 1920
Lumber wages — There is a very decided change in the lumber woods. A laborer in the woods must be content with $50 a month where a man and his team were in eager demand a year ago at $125, the wages this year are $90 a man and team.
75 Years Ago – Nov. 29, 1945
Larkin distributors for Shell products — E.W. Larkin of Caribou has been appointed distributor of Shell Petroleum Products for Caribou, Woodland, Perham, New Sweden, Stockholm and Connor. He will serve farmers and filling stations.
To tend to trap lines by air — Alec Anderson of New Sweden purchased a Piper Cub from the Caribou Flying Service this week to tend to trap lines. It is believed that Alec was the first in the state to utilize planes for this purpose.
50 Years Ago – Dec. 2, 1970
Christmas store open — The second annual Crafts Fair sponsored by the Northern Maine Artisans at the General Carter Armory was pronounced an outstanding success. All items are handcrafted by members.
CHS boasts largest honor roll in history — Caribou High School boasts the largest honor roll it has ever had as it ends the first ranking period of the year with the senior class topping the list with 84 honor rollers out of a total of 216 students. Sophomores placed a close second with 80 honor rankings. The junior class had 52.
25 Years Ago – Nov. 29, 1995
Santa’s in town— The Christmas season was ushered in when Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived in Caribou Friday by a sled led by Lewis Peterson and his horse, “Dutchess,” escorted by Caribou Police and a Caribou Fire Department truck. The jolly couple arrived in time to light the community’s Christmas tree in the Sweden Street Square and proceeded to the Caribou Fire Station where treats were distributed to the anxious children gathered to see the season’s favorite couple.