75 Years Ago – July 4, 1946
Presque Isle Rotary Club received the District Governor’s Award — The meeting of the Rotary Club was taken up mainly with reports of representatives of the club who attended the Rotary International and the District Conventions.
President George W. Perry gave a detailed report of the Rotary International Convention, attended by him and Frank W. Hussey, vice president, held at Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Fred P. Stevens, L. H. Alline and Harold E. Bryant gave reports on the District Convention held the previous week in Caribou. The club, through the strength of its community service under the leadership of Harold E. Bryant, retiring president, became the first club in District No. 192 to win the District Governor’s Award and already had received a certificate to that effect. This award, inaugurated 1946 by Rotary International, was presented to the president by the District Governor for the best balanced programs during the year featuring club, community, vocational and international service.
Winslow elected first vice-president — Percy R. Winslow, the cashier of the Northern National Bank, was elected first vice president of the Maine Bankers Association at the annual meeting held at Poland Springs June 21 and 22.
50 Years Ago – July 7, 1971
J. Worcester “Pinned” for 20 years — Mr. and Mrs. John W. Worcester were feted June 17, at a dinner party at the Loring Air Force Base NCO Club in honor of his 20 years of service with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of the Machias detached office. The celebration was also held for his becoming a member of the company’s Veterans Association. Hosting the party were members of the Presque Isle District office of MLI. Manager Clement P. Thorne reviewed Worcester’s outstanding accomplishments throughout the years and presented him with a service award and plaque. Several members of the staff who had been associated with the honored guest spoke about him. Worcester was inducted into the veterans organization by Raymond Noiseaux of the Biddeford District and vice president of the Manchester Chapter of Veterans. Noiseaux also presented Worcester with his 20-year pin.
Smith earned master’s — Miriam B. Smith was awarded a baccalaureate degree along with approximately 960 other graduating seniors at Brown University’s 203rd commencement June 7. The 207-year-old University also awarded advanced degrees to more than 400 graduate students and conferred honorary degrees to eleven distinguished men and women. Miss Smith, daughter of Dr. Carroll H. Smith of Presque Isle, received her master of arts in teaching. Miss Smith received her AB at Grinnell College in 1970.
25 Years Ago – July 3, 1996
Micmacs presented keys to base housing — After many long months of hard work and preparation, the Aroostook Band of Micmacs moved one step closer to realizing its goal of tribal expansion and unification. During an emotional key exchange ceremony in Presque Isle, June 26, the Micmacs entered an agreement with the United States Air Force to lease 66 units at the former Presque Isle Air Force Base, more commonly referred to as the Bon Aire Housing complex. In addition, 16 dwelling units in Connor were leased by the Native Americans.
Ferland honored — Retired police chief Jim Ferland was honored by the Aroostook County Chiefs of Police Association for his years of service as a law enforcement officer in Presque Isle. He was congratulated on his achievement by Caribou Police Chief Art Courney and new Presque Isle Police Chief Naldo Gagnon.
AHHS provided services in the County — Aroostook Home Health Services, Inc. (AHHS) started providing homemaker services to assist individuals with household or personal care activities that improve or maintain adequate well-being and enable people to remain in their homes. The service is offered under a grant funded by the Department of Human Services through the Bureau of Elder and Adult Services.