Fort Fairfield schools to begin pool testing

3 years ago

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine — The Fort Fairfield school board voted during its Oct. 19 meeting to begin pool testing and discussed how to return to a masks-optional status.

The pool testing method puts students into a pool where they are tested all at once. If the test comes back as positive, the students would be further tested with individual rapid tests to isolate who is positive. 

The practice would likely start in the sports programs and then be integrated into the entire system. Further discussions will focus on how to integrate pool testing into the system effectively.

The group also considered how to get back to an optional mask mandate for the district. 

“Talking to other superintendents and medical personnel, they are all waiting to see what the color code of The County will be,” Fort Fairfield Superintendent Tim Doak said. “Currently, the state is in the red, but perhaps when we get into the blue or yellow, we can talk about going optional.”

The board discussed the need to offer more classes that better reflect the interests of students and ways to use the environment of The County to help expand teaching modalities. They will consider how to obtain feedback from students and faculty in the near future.

“The more we can offer and engage them, the better,” Doak said.  

In other business, board members talked about the implementation of the American Rescue Plan and how the funds will be distributed. The full plan is available on the Fort Fairfield schools’ website.

The board also discussed workplace policies and amendments, including the procedure and use of physical restraint and seclusion, as well as workplace bullying, and its ability to develop into harassment.