Presque Isle’s poker run kicks off second day of SnowFest

2 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Snowmobiling, Aroostook County trails and a little game of chance made for a great morning at the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club.

As part of Presque Isle’s County Snow Fest, the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club hosted a poker run that led participants through 50 miles of Aroostook County trails, traveling from Presque Isle to Aroostook River Snowmobile Club in Castle Hill. From there, participants traveled to the Washburn Snowmobile Club, and then finished the run where it began —  at the Presque Isle club once again.

In a poker run, participants begin by purchasing a hand and drawing one card for it. With arrival at each different destination, another card is drawn. This process repeats until each person has a full hand. The best hand at the end of the run is the winner. This kind of event has been very popular with snowmobile and motorcycle clubs all over the country. 

For this particular event, two cards were drawn at Washburn because there were only three stops. Two cards were also drawn at Presque Isle, one at the beginning and one at the end. 

At each stop along the run, participants were treated to warm lodges and card dealers ready to give out the next set of cards. This gave riders a much needed reprieve to warm up against the chilly elements. 

Nine people participated in the poker run with a total prize pool of $22.50. First prize received 30 percent of the money ($6.75), second prize got 15 percent ($3.75), and third prize got 5 percent ($1.16). 

In first place was Robert Ramsey with three of a kind aces. Second place was Pam Wilcox with two pairs and third place was Caitlyn Riox with a pair of aces.