City of Presque Isle finalizes mill rate

2 years ago

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The city of Presque Isle’s Tax Assessing Office has finalized the mill rate at 23.75, a mill lower than last year’s rate.

City councilors on July 6 adopted two mill rate options, depending on final confirmation from Versant Power of the city’s electrical system value. 

City officials questioned the utility’s report of $95,391,730, an increase of about $75 million from last year’s value of $20,227,000. Had the first number been correct, the mill rate would have been 21.2.

“Versant had reported in error due to a computer glitch,” Tax Assessor Lewis Cousins said Friday. “They were able to see it and identify it very quickly, and corrected it.”

Cousins said city officials knew the $95 million-plus number was wrong but couldn’t reach power company officials before the July 6 tax commitment meeting.

Following the correction, the city’s electrical system value remains the same as last year’s.

“Our accounting staff have reached out to the town to ensure they have correct and up-to-date information,” said Judy Long, Versant’s manager of communications and brand. 

Though people commonly think Versant is responsible for the supply rate increases customers saw in January, New Brunswick Power is the supplier, Long said.