Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of August 3, 2022

3 years ago

75 Years Ago – July 31, 1947

Rotary launched a 7-point program — Development of a long-range plan for continual improvement of the community playground and swimming pool was the “number one” item on the program recommended to the Presque Isle Rotary Club by the special planning committee named to summarize reports for the various committees as submitted to the club assembly July 16.

The committee, William D. Halloran, chairman, Ellis E. Servant and Leslie Blake, urged that development of the playground and pool be given top priority in a seven-point program for the coming year. Other major projects proposed and approved by the club were assistance in vocational guidance to high school students; cooperation with Boy and Girl Scout troop activities; promotion sponsorship of or assistance in such special events as organization of a teenage municipal government program, Fourth of July fireworks program, Halloween and Christmas parties.

Johnston to head A. C. Perry Co. — Clyde P. Johnston, who was associated with Arthur C. Perry Co. of Presque Isle for 21 years, acquired the business from the estate of Nathan F. Perry, former president of the company. The Perry company had been a well-known insurance agency in northern Maine for many years, having been established in 1889, and Mr. Johnston continued to operate under the firm name of Arthur C. Perry Co.

50 Years Ago – August 2, 1972

Doyen and Irving appointed — Willard C. Doyen of Mapleton and Ralph B. Irving of Washburn were appointed to the Maine Seed Potato Board by Maine Agriculture Department Commissioner Maynard C. Dolloff. Both men, according to Commissioner Dolloff, were chosen because of their long service as seed potato growers with excellent records. Under the new re-organizational structure of the Agriculture Department, appointments to this board were made by the commissioner instead of the governor. Also under this plan, the commissioner remained an ex-officio member but did not automatically become chairman. The chairman of the seven-man board was elected during its annual meeting at the Porter Farm in Masardis. Other members of the board were Ralph M. Hooke of Winn, Walter M. Reed Jr. of Fort Fairfield, Wilfred Saucier of Fort Kent and Wilfred E. Donovan of Houlton.

Westfield and D.C. met — While Greg Smith of Westfield, president of the Maine Future Farmers of America Association, attended the State FFA Presidents’ Conference in Washington, D.C., he had the opportunity to talk with the Secretary of Agriculture, Earl L. Butz, and Wallace E. Wilson, vice president of General Motors, sponsors of the conference. The hourlong meeting was a highlight of the week-long convention in the nation’s capital. Butz and three members of his staff fielded questions on a broad range of subjects presented by a panel of five state FFA officers and the national FFA president. Following the department of Agriculture visit, Smith (the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Smith of Westfield) and the other 81 officers were treated to an exclusive cruise on the Presidential Yacht Sequoia.

25 Years Ago – July 30, 1997

ACT celebrated its 10th anniversary — A group of individuals from all over Aroostook County came together 10 years prior with a vision for young adults with disabilities. That vision exists as the Aroostook Council on Transition (ACT). Originally founded as the Aroostook Employment Coordination Council, the purpose of the organization was to help youth with disabilities obtain gainful employment after high school. The Aroostook Employment Coordination Council had nine original members. One member, Terry Sandusky (DMHMRSAS, Mental Retardation services) was still a board member. In 1988, the name of the organization was changed to the Aroostook Council on Transition.

Completed camp — Ericah Cheney, 11, the daughter of Pete and Sue Cheney, formerly of Mars Hill, completed the 1997 USA Compulsory Camp at Brown’s Gym of Orlando. Her plan to compete in the state Level 5.

Walking tour — Girl Scout Cadettes from Troop 227 and 400 were dressed in colonial garb Friday as part of the Pioneer Days walking tour of historic Presque Isle. The tour featured stops at Riverside Park and the Mark and Emily Turner Memorial Library, where the Scouts conducted brief ceremonies.

For a good cause — The Presque Isle Assembly No. 20 of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls held a fundraising raffle with part of the proceeds benefiting the Maine Police Memorial Fund and Central Aroostook Humane Society. Two events, a raffle and a bottle drive, were held to generate money for the groups.