An eventful evening

2 years ago

To the editor:

Anyone who attended Caribou’s Hometown Heroes gala on Nov. 10 surely was in awe of the ladies and gentlemen who were honored for their accomplishments in their community. Each had a hands-on contribution to making our city a better and safer place to live, to work and to grow.

From medical professionals to leaders in our community they make the tough decisions that affect both our young and senior citizens.

The new Caribou Community School with all its amenities for technology makes a statement that the city is leading the way to a better and prosperous future for our young people.

We can add Cary Medical Center, the Wellness and Recreation Center, Caribou’s Performing Arts Center and the [National Weather Service] weather station to the l ist of enterprises employing day-to-day heroes in our city.

We pass men and women on streets, in stores, at church without a clue of their involvement in organizations and in volunteering their time to make Caribou the city we are proud of.  

The Hometown Committee Honoring Heroes is to be commended for the fine job in bringing to the spotlight our fellow citizens of Caribou. 

To those who were honored: Congratulations, Hometown Heroes.

Margaret Kimball