115 Years Ago – May 7, 1908
Moving from Washburn — H. B. Field of Washburn, was in Caribou Wednesday. Mr. Fields has purchased a place in Norridgewock and will move his family to that place Wednesday of next week. He is one of Washburn’s most substantial and reliable business men, and will be greatly missed in that town.
A move is being made — We are informed that Thos. Martin of Caribou will occupy the place formerly occupied by H.D. Bridges, and will soon commence the manufacture of soft beer and other summer drinks.
Improvements being made — It is understood that the Clark block and the Odd Fellows block will be painted this summer. Several stores will be raised, including W.C. Spaulding’s, H.D. Collins, F.L. Oak, Tornquist Brothers’ and J.H. Glenn’s.
100 Years Ago – May 10, 1923
Damages due to the flood — A portion of the concrete foundation under Geo. O. Smith’s store gave way this week, evidently having been undermined by the high water of last week.
Laundry gets a new boiler — M.L. Hutchinson has just placed in his up-to-date and largely-patronized laundry a new boiler. Mr. Hutchinson’s patronage is steadily increasing. Among his patrons now being the Sanitarium and the hospital at Presque Isle.
Remembering a past flood — The big flood of last week brings to mind the big freshet in this county 36 years ago. O.H. Smith was postmaster at that time, the post office being located in a building where the Geo. O. Smith’s store now stands. Mail was received over the Canadian Pacific Railroad at that time; also a stage was also run from Houlton to Caribou, making two trips a week. The last trip the stage made on runners that year was on May 1 — a day not soon forgotten, for on that day five feet of snow fell, piling itself into huge drifts. The sun came out hot and bright the next day, and the snow, aided by the warm rays of the sun, melted very rapidly, it being all gone in two or three days, causing a freshet fully as big as the one of last week.
75 Years Ago – May 6, 1948
Shippers meet B & A Prexy — Potato shippers of Caribou, Fort Fairfield, Limestone and surrounding areas were the guests of the Bangor and Aroostook Railroad at a lobster banquet held at the Vaughan House, Caribou. The occasion was presented for businessmen of this area to meet the newly elected railroad president, Curtis Hutchins. R.H. Frost, president of the Caribou Chamber of Commerce, acted as master of ceremonies at the brief speaking program.
New drivers in the fire department — Two new full time drivers were hired at the regular monthly meeting of the Caribou Fire Department. The new men are Kenneth Collins and Lendell Forbes. This makes three full time drivers for the department with Arnold Gagahan who has been on full time for the past several years.
New newspress used this week — The Aroostook Republican was printed this week on its new press which was being erected and installed the past two weeks. The Press, a Babcock Optimus No. 9, which weighs 12 tons, had to be sunk in a cement well in the floor as it was too high for the available space. Work of installation was done by Bernard Braun of Scarboro, Maine assisted by Wilbur Nadeau, Caribou and crew. The new press, especially adapted to news work will be much faster than the old one and will greatly facilitate the production.
25 Years Ago – May 13, 1998
Main Street addition — Sam’s Market located on Main Street has pizza and sandwiches along with other convenience items. The store recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony. Attending was: Will Cote, employee; Joe Bouchard, deputy mayor; Bonnie Butts, CDC; Scott Walker, co-owner; Rey Walker, co-owner; Patty Corriveau, Chamber member; Katherine Anderson, Chamber member; Kirk Tibbets, executive director of the Chamber; Doug Plourde, Chamber member; Cheri Doak, Chamber member; Mike Fogarty, Chamber member; Gerald McKenna, employee; Richard Mattila, Caribou city manager and Jeffery Cummings, employee.
Grand prize winner — Kellie Moody of Perham, daughter of Linwood and Doreen Moody, was one of 100 total winners of the MR. Potato Head coloring contest. Nearly 30,000 entries were received nationwide. Kellie received a letter from Promotions Unlimited Inc. stating that her original work of art was truly among the best of the best. She also received a $250 check for being one of the grand prize winners. She was congratulated on behalf of Hasbro Inc., Playskool and WalMart.