Polar Dip brings in $12,000 for Aroostook Special Olympics

12 months ago

SINCLAIR, Maine — Dozens of dippers made a difference for Special Olympians when they raised $12,000 for the Aroostook County branch of the organization at a Polar Dip on Sunday. 

The 15th installment of the event took place at Long Lake Sporting Club.

Fifty participants traveled from Aroostook County and beyond, with dippers coming from as far away as Wells.

The money raised will be used to support local Special Olympics by funding the annual spring games in Aroostook and helping athletes travel to the summer games in Orono.

“It really has a huge impact because the money stays right in The County,” event organizer Duane Belanger said. 

The Aroostook County Special Olympics Spring Games will be held Friday, May 19, at Presque Isle Middle School. Opening ceremonies will start at 9:15 a.m.