Knights promote ‘Shoes to Boots’

3 weeks ago

Paul Ouellette, a member of the Fort Kent Knights of Columbus Council 1934, recently presented a $200 gift card from the Presque Isle Walmart store to Marian Bouchard of Fort Kent Elementary School, to start off the Knights’ new Shoes to Boots program.

Bouchard, a student social worker for the Fort Kent Elementary School, shared with the Ouellette the need for kids coming to school in less than appropriate footwear. Current economic times are challenging for many families and parent who struggle to make ends meet with finances, food and child care. The Fort Kent Knights have made a commitment to provide sneakers, shoes, or winter boots to any elementary child in need within the Fort Kent and Valley Unified school districts.

Last year the Knights Council began their first ever Coats for Kids program with great success. The Knights Council used funds from the annual calendar project to give 50 new coats to the school along with the help of local merchants, advertisers and private donations. A portion of the proceeds from this year’s calendar will be used to pay for Shoes to Boots footwear program. 

The Knights are again seeking the help from local merchants, advertisers and private donations to help to fund this program. The Knights at Council 1934 are very grateful for everyone’s generosity and continued support to our community charity programs. 

The council is working with footwear retailers such as LL Bean, Kamik, Sorel and Walmart to help with the footwear program.

In addition to the Coats For Kids and Shoes to Boots programs, the Knights are also assisting the Town of Fort Kent with their food pantry located outside the town office. All food donations are free for anyone in need and assist many families in the Fort Kent area.

To contribute non-perishable food items, drop them off at the town office. For information, contact Sherry Devoe Plourde at the town office or call 207-834-3090.