Easton youth dance the night away with friends and family

15 years ago

Easton youth dance the night away with friends and family

by Debbie Smith

     On Feb. 11, at the Easton Jr./Sr. High School grades 7-10 danced the night away with their parents and friends.
    Physical education teacher, Miss Phillips, had each of the phys-ed students bring a guest, parent or friend, and they taught their parents how to dance. The students have been taking dance in phys-ed class.  They did the Virginia Reel, square dancing, a Jewish dance and Cotton-Eyed Joe. 

    It was tons of fun to watch and it looked like everyone dancing was having a good time as well. I have never seen some of those teachers and parents move so quickly. Most of the men were dressed in plaid shirts and some of the women, too, with the exception of one man who wore a red fluffy scarf. Refreshments were served also.

Happy Days Club meets

    The Easton Happy Days Senior Citizens’ Club met on Feb. 11 at the West Ridge Manor rec room with 13 members and one guest. A delicious lunch was enjoyed before the meeting began.
    President Nina Trask, opened the meeting with a salute to the flag and singing “God Bless America,” with Liana Demerchant on piano. Ida Doak read the roll, with these members present: Nina Trask, Eldora Carter, Ida Doak, Rena Richardson, Lois Ladner, Lindy Fowler, Liana Demerchant, Ezalee Smith, Joanne Johnson, Geraldine Flewelling, Marie Hewitt, Arlene Ladner, Rogena Thomas and guest speaker, Mona Lynch, from the Aroostook Area on Aging.
    A card and gift was presented to outgoing president, Marie Hewitt. A thank-you letter was read from the Senior Volunteer Program.
    The group has been asked to bring to the next meeting a dish from a recipe of your grandmother or mother and also a recipe.
    The guest speaker, Mona Lynch, was introduced. She spoke on the Food Program and other assistance available to those with certain incomes. Medical BINGO was played, with Mona explaining some of the suggestions on the squares. She also passed out reading material on these subjects.


     Bruce Flewelling and his son, Chris, surprised Valorie with a birthday party on Friday night. Guests included: Brian and Jake Flewelling, Linda and Hugh Turner, Leslie and Danny Ferris, Elaine and Bruce White, Diane and Rick Green, Marilyn and Mike Brown, Barb and Doug Blackstone, and Kevin Marquis. Val turned the big 50 Feb. 15. If you see her, wish her belated happy birthday.

Senior students honored

    The Class of 2010 athletes and band members and their parents were honored at the last boys’ basketball home game. They included: Luke Fuller and his parents, David and Tammy Fuller; Luke Budreau and his parents, Steve and Stephanie Budreau; Mike Petrin and his mom Karin and Patrick Patterson; Corey White and his parents, Tina White and Darrell White; Lisa Dayringer and her mom Gail; Kaitlin Bennett and her mom Karen Gonya; Anna Sherwood and her mom Kathy; and Taylor Burtt and her parents Ali and Heidi Burtt. The students presented  moms with corsages.


    On Feb. 17, Matt Fitzherbert, Michael Ireland II, Roger Condon, Mitchell Blodgett and Lorena Witham have birthdays. Lynda and Hugh Turner have an anniversary.
    On Feb. 18, Leslie Ferris, Troy Carter and Matthew Dobson will celebrate their birthdays.
    Friday, Feb 19, Sonya Robbins has a birthday. Avis and Lewellyn White, Sonya and Richard Watson have anniversaries.
    Bonnie Fuller, Wayne Lagassie and Donna Kenney have birthdays Feb. 20. Happy anniversary to Patti and Ray Yslava.   
    Feb. 21 is a birthday for Kristie Bate, Ashley Holmes, Cheryl Clark, Matthew Allen, Wilfred Tompkins, Carol West, Ezra Yoder and Lennie Young.
    On Feb. 22, Hunter Turner, Tammy Fuller, George Rhoades, Todd Whittaker and Emma Cronkite have birthdays. Also on Feb. 22, Barry and Debbie Wolverton have an anniversary.        On Feb. 23rd Carla Halvorson, Tony Brown and Rhona Coffin all have a birthday. Mike and Marilyn Brown also have an anniversary.

Swimming lessons start soon

      The cost is $24 ($19 for each additional child from the same household) for six lessons. Lessons will be held each Tuesday from Feb. 23 through March 30.  

Winter Carnival

    Mark your calendars for Easton Recreation Department’s Winter Carnival on Feb. 25, 26 and 27. 

Rec calendar

    Wednesday, Feb. 17 — Regional Hot Shot Competition in Caribou starting at 10 a.m.
    Thursday, Feb. 18 — Snow tubing at Big Rock from 2-4 p.m. The bus will depart 1:40 p.m. and return  4:15 p.m. Cost $5. Children must be 42 inches tall to ride a tube. Concessions available. 
    Friday, Feb. 19 — Take ME Outside at the Aroostook State Park.  Open to children  3rd grade and up. Younger children must have an adult accompany them. Cost is $2. The bus will leave at 9:40 a.m. and return at 1:15 p.m. 
    Saturday, Feb. 20 — Little Bears’ grades 1 and 2 practice from 9-10 a.m. Little Bears’ grades 3 and 4 practice from 10-11:15 a.m. in the elementary school gym. And the 5th- and 6th-grade girls and boys will be in Caribou for basketball round robin — time TBA. 
    Monday, Feb. 21 — Senior Wellness Day at the Caribou  Rec Center. Departing 9:30 a.m. from the manor and  going out to lunch. Cross-country skiing after school until 4:30 p.m. at the Ferris’s home on Lander Rd. Little Bears’ basketball games: 1st and 2nd graders will play at 6 p.m. and 3rd and 4thgrades at 6:30 p.m. 
    Tuesday, Feb. 22 — First swimming lesson at the PI Indoor Pool. The bus departs directly after school and return  at 4:30 p.m. The cost is $24 and lessons are open to grades 1 and up. Pre-registration and payment required! Grades 5 and 6 basketball teams at Washburn — girls at 5:15 p.m., boys at 6:15 p.m.

    Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at debbiesmith04_69@hotmail.com or call 488-5530.