Celebrating the staff of the Central Aroostook Association

7 years ago

The Central Aroostook Association recently held their annual employee dinner and celebrated staff who have achieved longevity accomplishments.

Celebrating employment milestones are, from left, front row: Tammi Easler, 10 years; Tracy Levasseur, 15 years; Terry Perley, five years; Janet Thibodeau, 20 years; and Sally Burnell, 10 years. Back row, Laurie Moro, five years; Jennifer Conroy, 10 years; Cheryl Martin, 10 years; and Kathy Rossignol, 15 years. Absent when photo was taken were Kayla Ireland, five years; Karen Ouellette, 10 years; Cassandra Beaulieu, five years; and Ron Doustou, five years. Central Aroostook Association officials congratulated the staff for making a difference for people with developmental disabilities through residential facilities, shared living, home and community supports, children’s services, case management, County Box & Pallets, Opportunity Training Center (a special-purpose private school), adult services and the business office.