Houlton Middle School students readying for production

6 years ago

HOULTON, Maine — Houlton Middle School students have been busy getting ready for their spring production of “Once on this Island,” with the curtain set to open at 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, April 11-12.

According to director Jason Anderson, music educator for RSU 29, this year’s event features 20 middle school students, showing off their acting chops in the one-hour show. The group has been rehearsing for several weeks now and the students are excited to perform in front of an audience, the director said.

“The production is about a girl who breaks social norms and class structure to follow her hopes, dreams and loves,” Anderson said.

The cover design for the play was created by Grace Kafferlin, a seventh grader, who is also one of the young actors for the play.

“The play is about a person who dies and turns into a tree, which is tragic, so I came up with a picture to show that,” she said. “I am super excited for the show.”

Ticket prices are $5 adults, $3 students/senior citizens, and $12 for a family of 4 and can be purchased at the door on the night of the event.