TOPS group meets in Houlton – Week of November 4, 2019

5 years ago

The TOPS Chapter of Houlton met Friday, Oct. 25, at the Aldergate Building on Kelleran Street. There were 11 TOPS and 5 KOPS present. The loser of the week was Millie Gagnon and the runner up was Brenda Lacostic.

Millie Gagnon won both the skinny dish and the 50/50 raffle. Congratulations, Millie. The health basket went to Joanne Lane. We are putting great food in the basket even with gardens over and colder weather coming.  Good job, everyone! 

There were three more charm winners this week, Diane Folsom,  Brenda Lacostic and Denise Clark. It’s not a contest, but an incentive for weight loss and a way for all of to stay on track.

The workshop is coming up on Nov. 9  in Washburn so start making plans for that. Our group would really like to have you join us.  We meet every Friday morning with weigh-in at 7:45 a.m. and the meeting starting at 9 a.m. Are you ready to  make changes for yourself? Ready for the support that we can give? Ready to say yes, I need “me time” ? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then call me at 538-8760, or Diane Folsom at 532-1717 for more information.