Bring common sense to the table

3 years ago

To the editor:

Recently there have been protests about the recent vaccination mandates for health care workers and the use of masks. I do support the premise that we should have freedom of choice. The issue is that too many are making bad choices based on false information. It is too bad that people have to be forced by law to make the right choice. 

I noticed that one of the protesters in Aroostook County was wearing a “Make America Great” shirt. Two issues I have with that; this should not be a political issue, but common sense. The second is that had people gotten vaccines and followed CDC guidelines we might be moving forward to make America great again. Instead we are moving backwards to another 2020 with continued shutdowns and unwanted mandates. 

Vaccines or immunizations such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox have been mandated for public schools for years. I have to wonder, if the same protests had happened prior to those mandates, where we would be today. 

I believe that people should have the choice of not getting the vaccine. At the same time, hospitals should be able to choose not to admit those same patients when they show up with a positive COVID-19 test and symptoms. Keep beds open for those patients waiting for necessary surgeries and have other emergencies that continually evolve. 

For those who want to keep this a political issue, we are closing in on 600,000 deaths in this country. That many deaths certainly has an effect: those that won’t be able to vote.

Jim Flavin
New Sweden