Women service members deserve equal support

7 months ago

To the editor:

    Being the new district commander of [American Legion] District 17, I get highly perturbed when I see elderly service men scoff at women soldiers. They think this way: the American Legion is a men’s club. Well, my friends, it’s not.  It’s a veterans organization that helps all veterans — grandmothers, daughters, nieces and high school children that have served this country since before you were born.

    I’m asking all woman veterans that have an honorable DD 214, or a medical DD 214 under honorable conditions, to contact me at edellis1952@yahoo.com. Let’s set up a time and day that we can meet at a place of your choosing. I’m also the service officer for Post 147. Please contact me and we’ll put together the names and places for you to get Veterans Administration pension or medical help.

     The women I speak about are sisters, friends or wives. They don’t mention that they served the red, white and blue. They deserve the right to be heard and cared for just like you. Times have changed, people.

    Did you know that if your spouse, whether male or female, served in the military, you can join the American Legion Auxiliary with the correct paperwork?

    Give us the chance to have you as a member and to give you the honor of being recognized for your service.

Edward J. Ellis
American Legion District Commander