Red Cross babysitting course to be held

16 years ago

    American Red Cross Babysitting Training: This training will take place on Saturday, April 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This program will be held at the Houlton Recreation Center and is open youth between the ages of 11-15. Topics to be covered in the training will include everything from how to handle emergency situations, basic care routines such as diapering, feeding, dressing infants and toddlers to how to make good, responsible decisions while caring for the children.
    Registration deadline is April 3. To register call 493-4620 or e-mail  A registration fee of $45 is required before the start of class. Payments may be made directly to Pine  Red Cross at 111 High St., Caribou, ME. 04736.  This fee includes a full day of training, special portfolio, CD, training manual, certificate and healthy snacks. Participants will need to bring a lunch and drink. Registrations are limited to 12 participants. For more information call the Houlton Recreation Department at 532-1310.