from the halls of Houlton Junior & Senior High School

13 years ago

Basketball and hockey games are in full swing, and so far we have had some very exciting matches.  Large crowds are attending both junior high and senior high games and the coaches and players appreciate the support. If you come to the games, you’ll be entertained with great ball playing, and the popcorn and toasted cheese sandwiches at the concession stand are pretty good, too. You will also be entertained by our amazing, award winning cheerleaders, who recently earned first place at the PVC cheering competition.
    The Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Team was established this fall to help organize and support our staff in adopting school-wide research-based behavioral interventions. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support is a prevention-oriented way for us to encourage the success of every student in our school.
The Team’s first task was to create a Behavior Continuum, which outlined Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 student behaviors. For example, being unprepared for class is a Level 1 behavior, which is handled by the classroom teacher. Bullying, on the other hand, is a Level 2 behavior, and is first addressed by a staff member, but can also be directed to the office. A Level 3 behavior, such as leaving school grounds, is always reported to the office. Now that we have generated and published the Behavior Continuum, our staff is more consistent in their expectations around student behavior.
Next, the PBS Team started work on the Houlton Junior-Senior High School Behavior Matrix. A Behavior Matrix spells out expected behaviors for specific areas of the school, like the cafeteria, the bus, or the classroom. Starting with an online student survey, we collected input regarding “the rules” of the school. Staff members, including custodians and kitchen personnel, also added their thoughts to our list of school rules, and parents were polled at our Parent-Teacher Conferences in November. After months of effort, we have finally completed the Houlton Junior-Senior High School Behavior Matrix!
We are very grateful to the students, parents, and staff for their assistance with our Behavior Continuum and Behavior Matrix. Our next step is to determine a school-wide Continuum of Consequences. Although we still have much work ahead of us to fully adopt School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports, we are well on our way to providing a teaching and learning environment where preventive school discipline helps to maximize success for all students. If you are interested in serving on our PBS Team, please contact Sonja Burleigh at 532-6551.

Student Council News

The junior and senior high student councils continue to run their weekly Change for Change program.  Students donate loose change to the buckets on Fridays to help support a worthy organization or family experiencing difficulties or illness. We are proud to say that close to $1500.00 dollars has been donated already this year. We recently raised $135.00 for the Houlton Humane Society and we have many more important causes on our radar for the upcoming months. We would love to see local businesses join us in this benevolent project. Together we can make help make positive changes to the lives of members of our community.

Guidance Department News

Second quarter grades close on Jan. 27 and grades will be posted on Jan. 31. Back in October, juniors and sophomores took the PSAT.  The individual score sheets are being returned to each student and explained by their counselor. They have information on how to access MY COLLEGE QUICKSTART and use the personalized study plan to prep for the SAT.  Juniors will take the SAT on Saturday, May 5.
My College QuickStart is an online college and career planning kit available free of charge to all students who take the PSAT/NMSQT. It is powered by their responses to the test and provides personalized information that helps students take their next steps toward college:
• My Online Score Report-an enhanced score report that allows students to review each test question, their answers, and the correct answers with answer explanations.
• My SAT Study Plan – a customized study plan based on students’ PSAT/NMSQT test performance, highlighting skills for review and practice.
• My Personality – a detailed personality test that helps students learn about themselves and discover majors and careers that fit their strengths and interests.
• My Major & Career Matches – extensive information about majors and careers , including insights about what to expect and what courses to take now.
• My College Matches – a starter list of colleges based on students’ home state and indicated choice of major.
Access is available using the access code printed o your child’s paper score report, and the tool can be utilized throughout high school.  Using My College QuickStart together with your child is a great way to introduce and guide your child through important aspects of the college-going process. Visit
Seniors are encouraged to start looking at scholarship applications.  Scholarship information is emailed to parents, senior advisory, posted on announcements and in the senior lobby.  Most of them are available on line. Contact Guidance at 532-6551, ext. 2, for further information.

Textile Art Class News

The Textile Art classes will exhibit their projects in the art show on Friday, Jan. 27. They have been working on projects related to fiber, which include silk painting, fleece blankets, and recycled denim projects, along with other various items.  Please stop by and see what our students have been doing.  It will be held outside the gym and by the cafeteria.

JMG Class

On Thursday, Jan. 5, members of the sophomore and junior classes learned about the new mentoring program we are offering at Houlton High School. We have asked interested students who are currently in those classes to fill out the mentoring application that is on Google Docs and submit it before Friday, Jan. 20. Our goals for this program are to place incoming freshmen with a selected mentor, increase leadership opportunities for our students, and to increase service learning/community service opportunities for all of our students. We are looking for a variety of students to fill the mentor positions. Students must be in good academic standing, have a good record of attendance, and be tolerant of others. For more information, email

Junior High News

The school spelling bee was held on Jan. 11.  Classroom winners were Thomas Boyce, Zach Guiod, Natalie Hill, Emma Huot, Makayla McGuire, Chloe Davis, Lexi Fore, Jacob Fox, Olivia Gervais, Kate Newman, and Emma Peterson.  The bee winner was Natalie Hill.
Student/Parent Progress Rreview Conferences will be held Feb. 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Advisors will be calling the parents of their advisees and either scheduling them for an RTI Progress Review Meeting or asking them to come and visit the advisor and/or teachers during specific hours.  The Houlton Jr./Sr. High School staff is asking all students and parents to take part in these valuable conferences.
The conference protocol has been changed to better assist all students to meet the academic and behavioral standards of Houlton Jr./Sr. High School.  Having parents attend school on Februay 6 with their son/daughter helps to reaffirm the partnership and goal of having all students meet RSU #29 academic and behavioral standards so they may graduate.  Your child’s advisor will be contacting you shortly after Jan. 30 to invite parents and students to come to Houlton Jr./Sr. High School at a specific time on Feb. 6.