Woodland Extension members to attend “Train-the-trainer”

16 years ago

    Members of the Woodland Extension met recently at the home of Theresa Andrews. Following the reading of the Homemaker’s Creed, Co-president Andrews assisted by Co-president Dodie Olmstead conducted the business meeting during which the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read. Extension correspondence was taken care of and the cash fund of   2 pennies each for sharing was collected.     The group enjoyed making bed pals as their craft project for the meeting.
    It was decided that two Woodland Extension members would be attending the train-the-trainer programs at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension offices in Presque Isle., where subjects would include Going Green and Nutrition; no one would be participating in the computer program.
    The state convention will be held in Portland, Oct. 17—18, at Verillos, and the Aroostook County convention will be held Nov.1, at the Caribou Inn and Convention Center.
    The next scheduled meeting of the Woodland Extension will be the fall foliage tour to the Swamp Buck  Restaurant in Fort Kent. Members are to meet at Elizabeth Beaulieu’s home by 10 a.m. in order to carpool.
    Extension members present at the September meeting were: Dodie Olmstead, Elizabeth Cochran, Janet Ketch, Elizabeth Beaulieu, Norma Bondeson, Priscilla Neilander, Mavis Carson and hostess Theresa Andrews.