CHS Drama Club gains members, plans season

15 years ago

    CARIBOU — Fresh from last year’s boffo production of “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” and their strong showing at the Maine Drama Festival, the Caribou High School (CHS) Drama Club welcomed new members Sarah Englund, Zach Still, Sarah McQuade, Kassy Belk, Alexis McCrossin, Miranda Ellison, Ronald Lund and Emma Duplissie-Cyr to their initial 2009/10 meeting. Greeting them were Director Joe Zubrick and past members Crystal Brayall, Meagan Engstrom, Natasha Bishop, Christine Kashian, Robbie Kiehm, Kellene O’Hara, Taylor Arey, Kellie Moody, Danielle Lane and Kevin Turcotte.
    The group discussed fund-raising prospects, including a Big Cheese Pizza sale on September 30th and productions for the fall and spring. The club hopes to mount a fund-raising production in the fall, featuring an original script, written by two of its members, and short scenes to demonstrate the group’s singing, acting and dancing talents. In the spring, the club will produce “GODSPELL”, a popular musical based on the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Spring will also bring an entry to the Maine State Drama Festival. Scripts for the Drama Festival are under consideration.
    “We’re excited by the turnout of new and current CHS students for this year’s club,” said Zubrick. “We had a good response from the incoming students from Caribou Middle School and Woodland. This year will be very busy but rewarding.”