Daughters of Isabella plan for Father Morency’s retirement

The Daughters of Isabella met May 5 with a potluck supper. Chancellor Jeanine Morneault led the blessing before a delicious meal. Those who helped were Elizabeth Beaulieu, Priscilla Foley, Michelle Raymond, Judy Bougie and Judy Dubois. Regent Mary Ellen welcomed everyone and thanked those who brought food. Guests in attendance were Judy Bougie, Evelyn Thibodeau and Kirsten Pulliam.
Priscilla Foley won the 50/50 raffle for $14.50. Sharon Perreault and Priscilla Foley celebrated May birthdays, each receiving a small gift. Chancellor led the opening prayer. The Ode was sung and Pledge to the Flag recited. Roll call of officers showed four absent. Secretary’s minutes were read and approved.
Vice Regent Elaine reported cards have been sent to members: Beverly McNeal, Omerine Cyr, Vi Cummings Sirois, Josephine St. Peter, Doris Albert and Theresa Wunderlich. A card will be sent to Lucille Wark. Thanks were received for prayers and cards.
A layette was displayed and Gail Hjort talked about what is in each, having a value of over $100. Members had been asked to bring items tonight to replenish this project; about 35-40 are given out each year to Cary Medical Center. Those who brought items were thanked and cards were brought in to give to Vice Regent Elaine to send out.
Delores D. Martin reported on discount cards and urged members to continue to sell. They can be purchased from any D. of I. member. There is still seven and a half months left at the 18 vendors on the cards.
Several members attended the Queen Isabella Day in Van Buren on April 25.
Regent Mary Ellen thanked those who contributed wrapping paper and other items for our theme basket to be raffled at State Convention in Augusta. It was overflowing.
Father Ray Morency is retiring July 1, and Daughters voted to contribute desserts for his June 14 party at the K. of C. Hall. Calling committee will contact members. Motion was made and approved to present $25 to Father Ray.
Father Lionel Chouinard, state chaplain for the Daughters, is celebrating his 50th anniversary as a priest and a mass will be celebrated at the May 15-17 State Convention. Regent Mary Ellen Field and Scribe Dolores D. Martin will attend from Holy Rosary Circle. Motion was made and approved to present $25 to Father Chouinard.
Sister Mary Kelley will have a “going away” event on July 12. Parish of the Precious Blood will host their annual picnic at Holy Rosary on June 7 for all 10 worship sites in our cluster. Daughters have been asked to cook. More information will be available at our June meeting.
Regent Mary Ellen read two letters from International Regent Diane Corriveau. A new Episcopal adviser, Archbishop of Sherbrooke Luc Cyr, has been named. Also, recipes that are gluten free, sugar free and dairy free are needed for a cookbook being prepared. Deadline for these is late fall and forms are available.
A meeting has been called on May 13 at 6 p.m. at parish center for those planning our 75th anniversary; all are welcome to come and input. An audit meeting is planned for May 9 at the center at 5 p.m.
Regent Mary Ellen led an eight-minute exercise with members asked to depict what small thing inspires them to lend a hand and make a difference to be an instrument of peace. They then shared what they had drawn.
The meeting closed with the obligation and signing attendance and activity sheets. Chancellor Jeanine Morneault led closing prayer; Memorare was recited for May, the Month of Mary. The next meeting, June 2, is an ice cream social; committee members are: Norma Shaw, Vi Cummings Sirois, Fern Michaud, Gail Hjort and Adeline Beaulieu. Members asked to bring a re-gift for Bingo following the meeting with Bea Pirie in charge.