Family reunion
Billi Mitchell was deployed to Baghdad only six months after her daughter, Lauren, was born. Billi’s dad, Kevin Mitchell, and his wife, Ronnie, from Easton, have been taking care of Lauren since her mom left. Ronnie and Kevin also have a son, Wilder, who also helps out a lot. Every day Billi and Lauren talk and can see each other through Skype. Thank God for modern technology.
Ronnie has lots of pictures of Lauren’s mom, Billi, that she has laminated and put in Lauren’s diaper bag so Lauren can see her every day. Ronnie said she keeps showing Lauren her mom so she won’t forget her. Billi was able to come home for Lauren’s first birthday. She was home for two weeks.
Ronnie said the transition was easy at the airport, because Lauren recognized her mom from the pictures and from talking to her online. She went right to her mom when she saw her.
I believe most of us here in Easton have fallen in love with this sweet little girl. She is extremely blessed to have such loving grandparents to take care of her. Billi has now gone back to Baghdad until January.
Billi, we would like to thank you for your dedicated service to our country and the sacrifice you have made. We will keep you in our prayers while you do your duty for your country in Baghdad. We know it must be hard to leave behind such a dear baby.
School restoration
Restoration began on Aug. 19 to the little schoolhouse on the Station Rd. in Easton. There are nine members on the restoration Committee restoring the building. Those starting the work on Wednesday were: Heidi Thompson, Rollie Dionne, Richard Kneeland and Bryan Lawrence. Bryan is the president of the Committee.
The school was purchased a few years after it closed by a resident that used it for storage. Then the building was purchased by Lew Hayden, formerly of Easton, with a desire to restore it. He did some foundation work on it and also put on new shingles.
The Committee will be doing fund-raisers to help with the costs. Also, donations are always welcome. In fact, they already have someone who will match dollar for dollar, up to $5,000. Anyone who wishes to make a contribution can make the check out to: Little School Restoration Project, and mail to: Little School Restoration, P. O. Box 262, Easton, ME 04740.
The building was built in 1926 and it was used until 1969. In 1969, the new elementary school opened up and they used that. Some of the Committee members went to school there. Bryan Lawrence went to school there for two years. Richard Kneeland went there for four years. Yes, I know what you are thinking, but at first there were four grades that went there and then they only had 1st and 2nd grades there. Bryan is a little bit younger than Richard.
The Restoration Committee will be cleaning the building, weatherizing it, building a new set of steps to access the cellar and fixing the windows that are broken. Bryan Lawrence stated that there would probably be three or four stages of building and restoration.
The Committee is looking to do as much of the work as they possibly can. They may need to hire some of the help. Volunteers are more than welcome at any time. Their plans for the building are to turn one part into an historical site, such as is now on the top floor of the Odd Fellow’s Hall, and the other half will be set up just like the old schoolhouse room with the original desks and all. The restoration may take two to five years, depending on the volunteers and the money that comes in. They would like to have at least part of it done for the All-School Reunion next year. They would like to hear from anyone who has old photos or memorabilia of the old schoolhouse. You may call Bryan Lawrence at 488-2481 for further information or donations.
Richard Kneeland is a member of the Committee. He also attended the school for four years from 1939-1943. He said fixing the schoolhouse up is good for the community. The children as well as the adults will be able to see how different things were back then. It’s part of the history of our community. It will be lots of work and take lots of money though. Richard stated that the building was heated with coal when he attended there. One of the big things that they looked forward to was the government would send big boxes of raisins to the schools and they would sit the boxes of raisins on the top of the well house and pass out handfuls at recess to all the children. That was a big treat. Best of luck to you all on the Restoration Committee, and thanks for all your hard work. It will be worth it all.
Look who’s having a birthday on Aug. 26 ( today): Sally Budreau, Kenneth Hammond, Steve Shaw and Jessica Harding. Also Sheldon and Fern Hull have an anniversary today. Happy anniversary to you both. Take her somewhere other than McDonald’s, Sheldon. Ha, ha! Also happy birthday wishes to Sally Budreau, my step-mom. Love you.
You can wish Becky Millett, Gary Nations and Rogena Thomas a happy birthday on August 27. Nancy and Kevin Nichols will be celebrating their anniversary on August 28. The birthdays for this day are Jonah Alexander, Dean McPherson, Carole Smith, William McPherson, Lee Saucier and Sandy Buckingham.
On August 29, Cathy and Hank Kierstead and Rollie and Freida Dionne will be celebrating anniversaries. Happy anniversary to you all. Happy birthday to Amy Perry, Teresh Lagassie and Terry Legassie on August 29.
Brittany Blodgett, Karen Hammond, Stephanie Budreau, Seth Manning Harris, Kaleb Tompkins and David Fuller all have birthdays on August 30. Have a great day everyone. A special birthday wish for my sister-in-law, Steph. Have a wonderful birthday.
Having an anniversary on August 30 are John and Electra Blodgett. Happy anniversary.
Happy birthday to Anna Jackson and Donnie Boxwell on August 31.
September 1, Iola Page, Patti Verab, Caleb Pelletier, Molly White and Grady Cronkite have birthdays.
Food pantry
Anyone wishing to donate any garden fruits or vegetables to the food pantry in Easton may do so. It would be greatly appreciated. You may contact Vaughn Martin to make arrangements at 488-6608.
Benefit supper
There will be a benefit supper in honor of Sandra Boxwell on Sept 12 from 4-7 p.m. at the Odd Fellow’s Hall in Easton. Everyone is encouraged to attend.
Chris Demerchant was home visiting with his grandmother, Lillian Flewelling, last week. While here, he treated his parents, Liana and Paul Demerchant, to a lobster feed. Yum!!
Bob and Norma Dinsmore, along with their children, Randy and Beverly, are home for a visit and to check on their house.
Happy Days meeting
On Thursday, Aug. 27, the Happy Days Club will be having a meeting at 11:30 a.m., potluck.
Memorial service
There was a memorial service held for Pop Morris. His wife was Marion and he had a daughter, Elizabeth, and a son, Amos. After the service at the graveside they had a luncheon at Cathy and John Bradley’s in Easton. Pop, as he was known, passed away in January.
Rec events
The Easton Recreation Department has distributed fall program booklets through the schools. If you have not received one, please pick up a copy at the Easton Town Office. Program offerings for the fall session include grades 1 and 2 soccer, grades 3 and 4 soccer, grades 5 and 6 soccer, after-school programs, senior citizen activities, cooking camp, archery camp, swim lessons, gymnastic classes, harvest field trips/activities and yoga. For more information, please write Permission slips should be retuned ASAP; first come, first serve.
Rec schedule
Wednesday, Aug. 26 — Junior activities 9:30-11 a.m. at the hall. Open to children Early Childhood Program-age and younger. Senior exercise class in the recreation room at the manor starting at 1 p.m. After-school program “movie day” at the hall from 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. Open to grades 1-8.
Thursday, Aug. 27 — Grades 3 and 4 soccer practice after school until 4:15 p.m. on the field behind the playground.
Friday, Aug. 28 — Junior activities 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the hall. Senior Birthdays Celebration in the recreation room at the manor at 11:15 a.m. Lunch will be provided.
Monday, Aug. 31 — Senior nutrition class in the recreation room at the manor starting at 11 a.m. The cost is $2 and lunch will be provided. The Recreation Department’s 3rd- and 4th-grade soccer team will have practice at the elementary school from 3-4:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 1 — The Recreation Department’s 1st- and 2nd-grade soccer team will have practice at the elementary school from 2:45 to 4 p.m.
Debbie Smith is the correspondent for Easton. She can be reached by e-mail at or call 488-5530.
Photo courtesy of Debbie Smith
TEARFUL REUNION — Billi Mitchell is pictured holding her baby girl, Lauren Mitchell, for the first time in six months. Billi has been serving overseas, while her daughter and family in Easton awaited her return.
Photo courtesy of Debbie Smith
SCHOOL RENOVATIONS — Here are a few of the Restoration Committee members cleaning up the old schoolhouse on the Station Rd. in Easton. Pictured left to right are: Richard Kneeland, Heidi Thompson and Rollie Dionne.