Stories by Yvonne Tardie

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of September 7, 2022

75 Years Ago – Sept. 4, 1947
New post with Maine Potato Growers — Harold E. Bryant, General Manager of Maine Potato Growers Inc., announced that Henry Lowe of Brooks, Maine, who was formerly employed by Maine Potato Growers, as manager of the Seed Department, had been employed to take charge of building and maintaining a distribution set-up for farm supplies and farm machinery.

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of August 24, 2022

75 Years Ago – Aug. 21, 1947
Seeley candidate for scholarship — Richard Seeley, a pitcher on the Presque Isle Junior Legion team, was one of three Maine candidates for a Henry Ford Scholarship at Boston University, according to an announcement by officials of the Ray Goding post. Two of the three Maine boys were selected for scholarships. Dick went to Boston with all expenses paid to compete for the scholarship.

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of August 3, 2022

75 Years Ago – July 31, 1947
Rotary launched a 7-point program — Development of a long-range plan for continual improvement of the community playground and swimming pool was the “number one” item on the program recommended to the Presque Isle Rotary Club by the special planning committee named to summarize reports for the various committees as submitted to the club assembly July 16.

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of July 27, 2022

75 Years Ago – July 24, 1947
John Whitten named Aroostook 4-H Club agent — John Whitten, a graduate of the University of Maine, accepted the job of 4-H Club Agent for Aroostook County and began work July 1, working throughout The County. Mr. Whitten was well known in Aroostook.

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of July 13, 2022

75 Years Ago – July 10, 1947
Mars Hill student won B.U. award — Word was received of a special award and scholarship at Boston University to Wilson Dyer, son of Mrs. Bessie Dyer, Boynton Street, Mars Hill. Mr. Dyer was in Boston for a personal interview with university officials.

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of July 6, 2022

75 Years Ago – July 3, 1947
Robertson received a degree — Keith H. Robertson, son of Mrs. Mildred Roberston, received his A.B. degree from Dartmouth College, having completed the degree requirements in three and one-half years. During the war, he was in the U.S. Navy for two years. 

2 years ago

Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of June 29, 2022

75 Years Ago – June 26, 1947
Head bankers — Percy R. Winslow, vice president and cashier of the Northern National Bank of Presque Isle, was elected president of the Maine Bankers Association at the annual meeting at Poland Spring.