
4 months ago

How Mary Oak built a career

In the early days of our community, there were a few women who were unique entrepreneurs and, therefore, worth a mention as contributors to our history.  These include Vera Estey, Alice Kimball and Mary Oak.  

5 months ago

How we are killing our downtown trees

We are not talking about taking an ax to a tree; we are talking about actions taken without thought, care or knowledge of what we are doing. Town trees face more physical threats than those in forests to survive, with more air pollution, utility lines and confined growing spaces.

5 months ago

The price of tea

Dec. 16 marks the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party. While the American Revolution didn’t heat up until the events at Lexington and Concord, it was the reaction to a tea tax that led to events which caused the British to punish Boston and eventually the American colonists to rebel.

5 months ago

The holidays at wartime

The holiday season should be one of joyous celebration.  However, there are countries today in the grip of war.  War dramatically changes how the people in these countries view and observe the “normal” holiday traditions.

5 months ago

Long live Charlemagne

It was not so long ago when almost every family would gather and play either Charlemagne or Bioute once or several times a week. Of course, some still do and still find it to be a great way to spend time together as a family and with friends.

5 months ago

How our streets got their names

Have you ever stopped to wonder where our streets got their names?  As is the case often in small communities, the streets are named after early settlers.  

The words "Mainely Outdoors" shown in the upper-left shown over a photo of a river with trees along the banks and a bird swimming in the river.
5 months ago

Use sounds not silence to bag a buck

Maine’s habitat of heavy forest, especially throughout Aroostook County, has dictated the most productive styles of deer hunting since the early 1900s.  Our fathers and grandfathers put much needed venison in the ice box using walk and stalk tactics. 

5 months ago

Genealogical thanks|

November is the month we traditionally give thanks for the blessings in our lives.  Genealogists should also give thanks to our own unique set of blessings. So, here’s my list of genealogical thanks.  

6 months ago

Getting flower gardens ready for winter

A chill is in the air, the daylight hours are shorter, and we relish late fall sunshine. But before more snow flies and the gardening catalogs set us to longing for spring, here are a few thoughts about putting the flower gardens to bed for the winter.