Club supper preserves history

18 years ago

    PRESQUE ISLE, Maine – Friday night suppers at the Presque Isle Snowmobile clubhouse are under way, with a special fund-raiser being planned for this Friday’s meal.
     On Feb. 9 the Presque Isle Snowmobile Club will be holding their weekly supper at their clubhouse located on just off the Echo Lake Road beginning at 5 p.m. But this meal will be unlike others because it will serve as a fund-raiser for the Presque Isle Historical Society.
“Proceeds from the supper will go towards the restoration of our historic fire station. The event is open to the public,” said Kimberly R. Hall, on behalf of the society.
The historical society is in the process of restoring the old fire station located on Church Street. Restoration is being performed in phases. Eventually the site will offer a central location for cultural tourism, historical learning and education opportunities promoting not just Presque Isle but all of Aroostook County.
“With the completion of the restoration project, the historical society will be able to expand learning opportunities by finally having a venue in which to offer hands-on learning and presentations. The facility will also offer rotating displays for art exhibits, historic displays and cultural presentations,” said Hall.
In addition to saving the historic fire station, the building will provide a place to display the many treasured historical artifacts that presently have no permanent home, said Hall.
“These artifacts range in size from small farming implements to larger items and include a unique 1929 fire truck that can be fitted with skis to function in heavy winter snow conditions, a 1917 Model T and a 1900 horse-drawn limousine carriage,” said Hall.
Phase two of the project will include renovations to the second floor where plans include an education center for use by local schools, civic groups and local secondary educational organizations.
Such renovations can be quite costly. That’s why such fund-raisers as Friday’s supper are so important to the organization.
“The overall restoration project is estimated at a cost of $1.6 million, with approximately $250,000 raised to date,” said Hall.
The city was incorporated as a town in 1859 and later as a city in 1940. The society is hoping to finish the restoration in time to have the complete facility serve as a cornerstone for a sesquicentennial celebration 2009.
Friday night’s supper will include chili, chicken stew, fish chowder, hot dogs, chili dogs and grilled cheese. An array of desserts will also be offered. Prices range from $4 for a 20-ounce bowl of chowder to $1 for dessert.
For more information about the supper, the historical society or its efforts to restore the fire station, contact the Presque Isle Historical Society at or call 764-4816.