Spragueville Extension goes Hawaiian

17 years ago

As members of the Spragueville Extension arrived for their regularly monthly meeting at the Presque Isle Chamber of Commerce Office on March 26. They were pleasantly greeted by fellow members dressed in colorful, tropical attire to celebrate an evening “in Hawaii.” The meeting room was appropriately decorated in island style, complete with palm trees, table decorations and there was even Hawaiian background music. Thirteen members took part in this special event.
    Prior to the business meeting, member Carmen Wiggins introduced her daughter, Carrie, and her grandson, Kyle Allen. Kyle was the Extension’s “adopted grandson” during the past year, while he served our country in Iraq. Kyle wished to extend his thanks and appreciation personally to the group for the care packages it had sent him which, he informed them, he shared with his buddies; he stated that as sad as it is, many do not receive anything from back home. Those present thanked Kyle for sharing his thoughts and expressed gratefulness that he was back home safe and sound, thanked him for his service and wished him well in the future.
Following Kyle and his mother’s departure, President Lois Griffin called the business meeting to order. The Homemakers Creed was recited, roll call was taken, and volunteer hours recorded by Lois.
LaVone Walters gave her secretary’s/Treasurer’s reports.
Coins for Caring were collected at this time.
Under Old Business: Carmen reported that a care package of varied goodies from the Extension had been sent to Tom Steeves, who is currently serving in Iraq.
Reports of the Train the Trainer sessions by those who attended were given by Tammy Wheeler on Denise Makes Nutrition Sense; by Lois, who attended a presentation on Cranberries; by LaVone, who attended the presentation on Food Safety.
A report was given by those who baked for and worked at the OTC Fun Day.
Everyone kept busy serving muffins, drink and lunch; once again, all members who participated thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the smiling faces during this fun time.
Under New Business: An Easter card was signed by all present to be sent to Tom Steeves. Another care package will be sent in the near future.
A discussion was held on ideas for the fair booth. Tammy said she was in need of red, white and lbue material; and picture of war veterans. She suggested a meeting of the Fair Committee be held in the near future.
Lois read a letter from County Extension President Carolyn Kelley regarding the State Spring Meeting held in Augusta April 27-28. She encouraged members to attend and enjoy a getaway from the long, cold winter. Carolyn also wrote that the Spring County Meeting will be held in New Sweden May 5, at which time, those attending are asked to bring non-perishable food items to benefit the Catholic Charities Food Cupboard.
Tammy informed the group that she had picked up a request form from a Rotarian to submit for consideration of a possible donation, from proceeds of the Rotary Club’s annual auction, for the purchase of new fencing around the Trans Atlantic Balloon Site in Spragueville, which is city-owned; the present fencing is in dire need of being replaced. Ann Knight moved that Tammy and Marilyn Wheeler pursue this matter.
Interesting and cute eye openers were shown by Tammy Wheeler – a large ceramic snowman and small ceramic plaque she had made. Joyce Bither showed a welcome sign she made featuring felt rabbits. What artistic and crafty ladies!
The program for the evening coincided with the Hawaiian theme of the evening. Joyce gave a presentation on her month’s visit to Hawaii a few years ago with her late husband and relatives. A photo album with photos of her trip was on display for all to enjoy.
Following Joyce’s presentation, Lois adjourned the meeting.
Rose Barnes, Carmen Wiggins and Mona Cyr served theme refreshments of a fruit tray, veggie tray, pineapple chicken and even a Hawaiian wedding cake.
Everyone certainly enjoyed the fun getaway to Hawaii during the cold, winter weather.
The next meeting of the Extension was a trip to Caribou on April 23 to tour Phyllis Belanger’s house full of dolls, followed by a short business meeting.
Members met at the mall to carpool.