The daughters of Isaac (Ike) Howes had a 90th birthday party for him on June 9 at their home in Carmel where they ate out in the back yard. Ike lived in Ashland until just recently.
Ike’s brother Myron and his brother’s wife Marion came from Lake City, Fla. Ike hadn’t seen them for years. Also attending was Edwin and Barbara (Adams) Marino from Florida; Alfred and Connie Howes from Newport; Izetta (Howes) Turtlott from Bangor; Milton and Dawn Clark, Fred Howes, Claudette Christnott, Jo Howes, all from Ashland; Beatrice Bryant from Thorndike; Bobby and June Gardiner and Dorothy Gardiner from Unity; Isaac, Jessica, Alexis and Meridith Raymond, Inez Stockley and Myrna Roberts from Carmel; Tammy and Tasia Doble, Ralph Doble, Joe Raymond, Sheila McPherson and Ashley Dickerson from Bangor; Karl Jr., Lisa, Karrie Stockley, Kristy and Kassidy Lenfest from Dover Foxcroft; Natalie McFarland from Bucksport; Jeanie Colbert from New Hampshire; Sydney and Sandra Furrow, Carol Furrow, Winona Christnot, Keith Stockley, Travis Pearl, and Jeffery Stevens a grandson calling from California. Also daughters Connie, Wanda and Cynthia were unable to attend but called to wish him a happy birthday. Inez made the cake. Ike was pleased to have a special day with family and friends.
Sodality celebrated anniversary
Our Lady of the Snows Sodality celebrated their 60th anniversary at St. Mark’s Church in Ashland on Sunday, June 10, at the 11 a.m. mass with Fr. David Raymond as celebrant. Twenty-nine members were in attendance, supported by 32 guests. A reception was held in the parish hall following the mass where a light lunch was catered by Elaine and Ray Wakefield. Tea was poured by Theresa Chasse, punch was dipped by Marilyn Butler, the cake was cut by Mary Ellen Chasse and served by Carol Gagnon and Sandra Soucy. Prefect Barbara Baker served as master of ceremonies for a short program following the meal. Introduced were Vice Prefect Gail Woodman; Secretary Theresa Chasse; and Treasurer Marilyn Butler. Those who were honored were charter members Pearle Soucy, Pearl Burby and Dolores Laveway. Also recognized were four sisters who were all in attendance: Charlene O’Clair, Pearl Bury, Betty Casey Diehl and Corinna Garrity. An honorary membership was conferred on Gertrude Beaulieu for her many years of support to Sodality. Several brief articles were read about past occasions in the history of Sodality which brought back memories to all those in attendance. A summary of what is happening in Sodality today was given to bring everyone up to date. Dues were accepted by the treasurer and membership cards given out. Mention was made of one of the Sodality’s members, Carol Bushey, who is currently at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston recovering from a bone marrow transplant. The afternoon concluded with the reading of the names of all Sodalists, a total of 107, who have passed away.
Join us for lunch
The Ashland School Nutrition Program will offer lunch to all children under the age of 18 on weekdays Monday thru Thursday, starting June 18 and ending July 31. The meals will be offered at Ashland Central School from 11 to 11:30 a.m. The meals are free of charge for children, no names will be taken, no forms need to be filled out. All meals must be eaten at the school, no ‘to-go’ lunches. Adults may purchase a lunch for $2.75. The lunch schedule will be Mondays – chicken, potato, hot vegetable; Tuesday – burger or hotdog, hot vegetable; Wednesday – deli sandwich, pickles, veggie sticks; Thursday – pizza, salad, desert. Each day fruit and milk will be served.
Summer Fest schedule
A schedule of all Summer Fest events can be found at all local business. There are lots of events taking place, such as the Little Miss Ashland Pageant, kids games, lots of musical concerts, parade, salmon supper, breakfasts, dinners, beach ball race, drive-in movie and lots more. Come join the fun!
Ashland Summer Fest Parade
It’s time once again to plan for the Ashland Summer Fest Parade. The parade will be held on Saturday, July 7, at 11 a.m. Anyone interested in entering a float, car, band, truck, equipment, horses, groups, clubs, anything at all can contact Bobbi Jo Condon to register. The theme for this year’s Summer Fest is Celebrating Ashland’s Heritage, so put on your thinking caps and let’s make this year’s parade one to remember!
Northwood Manor hosts sale
Northwood Manor, a non-profit adult residential care facility located on Walker Street in Ashland next to the Ashland Health Center, will be holding a yard/bake sale to raise money for the Activity Program of the facility on Friday, June 29, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday, June 30, and Sunday, July 1, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Anyone willing to donate clean items suitable for a yard sale or donations of baking supplies can drop items off at Northwood Manor between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. seven days a week. A raffle will also be held, tickets are $2 each or three for $5. Prizes for the raffle include gift certificates to local businesses, tanning sessions, pizza and crafts. Tickets can be purchased at Northwood Manor from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week or at the Ashland Food Mart June 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Winners will be drawn on July 1 at 3:30 p.m. and be notified by mail.
Ongoing events
The Ashland Area Senior Citizens Group will meet every other Thursday at 12 noon starting on June 7 for the months of June, July and August. A potluck lunch and meeting are held at the Ashland Rec Center. Everyone is invited to attend weekly.
The Portage Lake Seniors’ Lunch is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 11 a.m. All seniors are invited, the meal is a potluck so bring your own dish or bring a cash donation. For more information contact Wilza Robertson at 435-6211 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
The Red Hat Loonies of Portage Lake meet the second Thursday of every month at Dean’s Motor Lodge. Membership dues are $2. Come have a great time and meal. For more information contact Rachel Stevens at 435-6358.
An infant to pre-K playgroup meets every Friday from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Ashland Rec Center. For more information call Andrea White at 435-6363
Portage Lake Centennial Celebration Planning Meeting – There has been no date set at this time, but if you are interested in the planning please contact Barb Pitcairn at 435-2368 or Grace Nason at 435-6373.
Ladies, are you interested in crafts? Or maybe you have some you’ve started and not yet finished? Every Thursday evening at the Portage Lake Municipal Building is Girlz Night starting at 6:30 p.m. Bring those crafts you’ve been neglecting and enjoy the company.